In its 43rd flight, the India Space Research Organization’s (ISRO’s) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle PSLV-C41 propelled the 1,425-kilogram IRNSS-1I Navigation Satellite into orbit.
All three rubidium atomic clocks on IRNSS-1A have failed. A replacement satellite, IRNSS-1H, was launched on Aug. 31, 2017, but was not successfully deployed. This satellite, IRNSS-1I, is also a replacement satellite for IRNSS-1A.
PSLV-C41 lifted off at 0404 hrs (4:04 a.m.) IST, as planned, from the spaceport’s First Launch Pad. After a flight lasting about 19 minutes, the vehicle achieved a sub-geosynchronous transfer orbit with a perigee (nearest point to Earth) of 281.5 km and an apogee of 20,730 km inclined at an angle of 19.2 degrees to the equator, following which IRNSS-1I separated from PSLV.
After separation, the solar panels of IRNSS-1I were deployed automatically. ISRO’s Master Control Facility (MCF) at Hassan, Karnataka, took over the control of the satellite. In the coming days, orbit maneuvers will be performed from MCF to position the satellite at 55 degrees East longitude in the planned geosynchronous orbit with an inclination of 29 degrees to the equator.
IRNSS-1I is the latest member of the Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) system. NavIC, also known as Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), is an independent regional navigation satellite system designed to provide position information in the Indian region and 1500 kilometers around the Indian mainland.
A number of ground facilities responsible for IRNSS satellite ranging and monitoring, generation and transmission of navigation parameters, satellite control and network timing have been established in many locations across the country as part of NavIC.
India has launched six regional navigational satellites (IRNSS-1A, 1B, 1C, ID,1E and 1F) as part of a constellation of seven satellites to provide accurate position information service to users across the country and the region, extending up to an area of 1,500 km. With launch of 1G NAVIC will be functional completely.
IRNSS is an independent regional navigation satellite system designed to provide position information in the Indian region and 1500 km around the Indian mainland. IRNSS would provide two types of services, namely, Standard Positioning Services (SPS) - provided to all users - and Restricted Services (RS), provided to authorised users.
With seven satellites, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) will broadcast its signals primarily over India and to about 1,500 km beyond its borders.
Like the GPS of US, the Indian satellites would continually transmit data that allowed suitably equipped receivers to establish their location with considerable precision.
All seven IRNSS satellites will be at a height of about 36,000 km, taking a whole day to circle the Earth.
Three of the satellites will be placed over the equator, in what is known as the geostationary orbit, where they match the Earth's rotation and therefore appear from the ground to remain at a fixed position in the sky.
The remaining four satellites will be in pairs in two inclined geosynchronous orbits. From the ground, these satellites will appear to travel in figures of ‘8’ during the course of a day.
IRNSS satellites transmit signals in two microwave frequency bands known as L5 and S. The system will provide two types of services, the ‘Standard Positioning Service’ that will be accessible to anyone and an encrypted ‘Restricted Service’ that will be available only to the military and other government-authorised users
Why only few Satellite in IRNSS
The GPS requires a constellation of 24 orbiting satellites, supported by a global network of ground stations, to cover every part of the world. That kind of global system is expensive
India had a more limited goal — creating a system wholly in India's control for providing navigation signals over this country and surrounding areas. The cost of such a system was a major consideration.
How object assess its Position through IRNSS:
Navigation satellites periodically transmit their precise position in orbit along with the exact time when each transmission takes place. Since these microwave signals travel at the speed of light, the delay between a signal’s transmission and its reception allows a receiving device to compute its distance from the satellite involved. With data from four satellites, the receiver can then work out its own position.
That’s why Navigation satellites need to carry extremely accurate clocks. Each IRNSS satellite is equipped with three rubidium atomic clocks, which keep precise time down to a few tenths of a trillionth of a second in an hour. Although currently these sophisticated clocks are imported, research efforts to make them indigenously are in progress.
Some Application of IRNSS:
Terrestrial, Aerial and Marine Navigation
Disaster Management
Vehicle tracking and fleet management
Integration with mobile phones
Precise Timing
Mapping and Geodetic data capture
Terrestrial navigation aid for hikers and travellers
Visual and voice navigation for drivers
GPS around the Globe
≈ The best known and currently the most widely used navigation satellite system is the U.S. Global Positioning System (GPS), which became operational two decades ago.
≈ Russia too offers global coverage with its Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS).
≈ Europe is establishing its own global system,Galileo. Although the full constellation will be ready only by 2019, it plans to begin some services with a reduced number of satellites by the end of next year.
≈ China announced operational services from itsBeiDou Navigation Satellite System over that country and surrounding areas. It intends to launch more satellites and expand the system for global coverage by 2020. Japan has already launched the first of three satellites for its regional system that will augment GPS services.
Why India needed its own Navigation System
It is essentially to ensure assured service. If one is dependent on a foreign navigation signal and then one is in dire need, there could be a situation not be available.
Military operations rely heavily on satellite navigation, and India’s defence requirements appear to have played an important part in the decision to establish an independent system.
Apart from signals that anyone can utilise free of cost, satellite navigation systems, including the Indian one, provide an encrypted service that is restricted to those authorised to receive it.
As part of India’s modernisation of its armed forces, a satellite system of its own gave the country redundancy and reduced dependence on outside agencies for a key technology. To make defence forces self-reliant a Navigation system was need of hour
Satellite navigation had huge civilian applications. With India developing both economically and technologically, this factor too would have influenced the decision to establish the IRNSS.
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