Thursday, November 21, 2019


India levelled up in the supercomputing prowess with the commissioning of Pratyush this Monday. Union minister for Science and Technology Harsh Vardhan dedicated India's fastest and first multi-petaflops super computer to the nation at Indian Institute of Tropical Meterorology (IITM), Pune.

What is special about Pratyush?

Up until now, India's computing capacity stood at 1.0 PF (petaflops), but with the commencement of Pratyush, the supercomputing prowess of the nation will reach 6.8 PF. PF or Petaflops is a measure of the processing speed of computer.
The machine will be installed at two government institutes. IITM, Pune will have the 4.0 PF facility while the 2.8 PF facility would be installed at National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast, Noida.
As reported by The Hindu, "With the new system, it would be possible to map regions in India at a resolution of 3 km and the globe at 12 km."

India's other supercomputers

With Pratyush, India makes its way into the list of top 30 super computers in the world. As of June 2017, following systems of India were in the list of top 500 super computing systems:
  • SahasraT (SERC - Cray XC40) installed at Indian Institute of Science (ranked 165)
  • Aaditya (iDataPlex DX360M4) installed at Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (ranked 260)
  • TIFR - Cray XC30 installed at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (ranked 355)
  • HP Apollo 6000 Xl230/250 installed at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (ranked 391)

Use of India's fastest super computer

  • The super computer Pratyush will be used for weather forecasts, making the process better than ever
  • It will be used majorly for monsoons and extreme weather events including the tsunamis, cyclones, draught, flood and earthquakes
  • The computer will also be used to facilitate the reading of air quality, lightning, fishing along with hot and cold waves
It is also worth mentioning that Pratyush would be the fourth fastest super computer in the world used for weather forecast.

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